How Georgia Southern University enables high-flexibility learning with Huddly

Georgia Southern rolled out video conferencing across campus in response to their students’ growing demand for flexible and remote learning. Huddly L1 was chosen as the standard classroom camera to provide great virtual learning experiences in large spaces, while Huddly IQ delivers wide-angle, high-quality video in conference rooms.

Huddly L1 installed at the top of a screen in a meeting room

The challenge:
Flexible learning deployed at scale

Georgia Southern University is a traditional higher education public institution that, in the past, didn’t have much of an online presence. However, they knew they needed to find a way to create and scale video conferencing throughout the school to accommodate the high demand for remote and high-flexibility learning.

“Our goal is to expand our online presence and offer flexibility in instructional spaces. Whether you are physically distant from Georgia Southern but can attend classes on a more traditional schedule, or whether you are a nontraditional student who cannot attend classes during normal hours and is looking for a more flexible learning schedule, we want to be able to meet your
needs.” - David Walker, Manager of AV Design and Zoom Admin, Georgia Southern University.

Even before the pandemic, Georgia Southern University had been looking for
a new camera solution. Other PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) cameras proved expensive and difficult to integrate. With deployment planned for 700 classrooms across three campuses, it was crucial to find a solution that would simplify integration and be cost-effective at scale.

“When a teacher or faculty member walks into a classroom, the technology should be the last thing they are thinking of – everything should just work.”

– David Walker, Manager of AV Design and Zoom Admin

The solution:
An interactive, inclusive learning environment

Georgia Southern wanted a camera that could capture the classroom presenter so virtual participants could follow along with lectures. After a thorough evaluation process, they decided on Huddly IQ. Mounted beside the projector, the camera could capture the entire front of the room thanks to its 150-degree wide-angle lens.

Then, Huddly announced their new L1 camera. With instant, responsive framing and a 6K sensor, L1 captures everyone in sharp detail, even in large spaces. This proved a perfect fit for the classrooms at Georgia Southern, which typically seat about 30 people. Huddly L1 offers intelligent framing options, just like Huddly IQ. This aligns with Georgia Southern’s efforts to limit instructors’ interaction with items. The camera can take pictures of the whole room, follow the teacher with Huddly’s intelligent Genius Framing, or zoom in if needed without any additional setup or adjustment.

Huddly L1

The Huddly IQ cameras currently being used in classrooms will be repurposed and deployed in conference rooms, where they will replace other devices. At Georgia Southern, Huddly IQ is in use both as a standalone as part of the Crestron UC Video Conference Smart Soundbar.

At Georgia Southern, the standard room upgrade now consists of a Huddly L1 camera, a Shure ceiling mic array, a new projector, and new core equipment.

What's ahead:
A flexible approach to learning and teaching

Georgia Southern continues to grow as one of the top online colleges in Georgia, with flexible online programs and hybrid options. As a next step, the school is evaluating adding the Huddly Canvas whiteboard camera to capture content for remote students. With Canvas as part of the standard setup, faculty would be able to choose from multiple camera options to create collaborative learning experiences outside of the traditional classroom setting.

Huddly Canvas

About Georgia Southern University

At Georgia Southern University, our learner-centered culture prepares us to think, lead, teach, and serve. We value collaboration, academic excellence, discovery and innovation, integrity, openness and inclusion, and sustainability. We promote talent and economic development to enhance quality of life through scholarly pursuits, cultural enrichment, student life, and community engagement across distinctive campuses. Our success is measured by the global impact of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

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